Monday, May 3, 2010

The beginning of the blog and other random thoughts...

So whaddya know, starting the blog was about the easiest thing ever! Now I am officially blogging about our family's adoption experience from this day forward.

Lots of drama has happened in the past seven months. As I don't like to dwell in the past, I will journal what happens from this point forward. We hope that things will go relatively smooth from here on out. We are so very excited to see the boys.

We did not host these boys in Oct./Nov. but the wonderful Ross family did. They ended up getting a baby in January and felt that adopting the boys was not a possibility for them. This was joyous news for us, as we had always felt a special connection to them. The boy that we hosted was adopted by Italians before we could make it over there. Funny how things work out.

I have learned SO many things just by being a part of this process so far, I can only imagine what lessons we have in store for us. Patience was never my strength, but I have now learned that some things worthwhile are worth waiting for (and that I can't control everything no matter how hard I try).

We are humbled and so grateful for the love and support that we have received from friends and family. I know we could not make it through this without all of you.

I will try my best not to get too sappy here, but I think it is so amazing that we will be in Ukraine the same time as the Hinkson family. They are a wonderfully supportive, loving family that we are proud to know. It gives us so much comfort to know we aren't flying solo over there. We have traveled internationally, but for some reason, I am nervous about this one.

So, here begins a story which we have very little control over the ending. It is exciting, scary, emotional and quite possibly the most life changing thing we have ever embarked upon. We have our plane tickets and are leaving on May 13th. There are several pages of lists of things I must do before leaving. Dean (husband), Parker (7yo son) and myself are gearing up for quite the journey here. We would love any insider tips from other families regarding travel. We are going to Dniprodzerzhinsk.

Much love to you all!



  1. Don't worry about getting too sappy on your blog. With all of the emotions that go along with an adoption, it's kind of hard not to spill a few feelings. :)

    We're glad you caught the blog bug. This is how you will keep the rest of us updated while you are in Ukraine, and we'll all be following along. Come to the next lunch and bring your list of questions.

    P.S. We're so glad your soon-to-be son is doing better!

  2. Hurray!!! You have a blog! Sap or no sap it's going to be great! And you will not regret recording every minute of it.
    Oh my, my, my....I can just feel your butterflies from here.
    Email me for details about lunch this Wednesday!
    So excited for you guys!!!

  3. So glad you have a blog, now! We look forward to being dedicated followers while you are in Ukraine. Good luck! Oh, we love sap!

  4. I'll be faithfully reading while you document your journey.

  5. I was happy to get to know you better at lunch yesterday. I will be anxious to hear how it all goes for you guys.

  6. I thank you ladies for your inspiration. I am so lucky to be associated with such an incredibly fabulous group of people!

  7. Uh oh! And gentlemen of course! ☺

  8. I read your comment about Andre on Hinkson's blog! Hurray!! Can't wait for you guys to get over there!

  9. I'm truly excited for you to get ahouse full of mine is until we get our girl. We will be following the journey very closely! Good luck and hip hip hip ...HURRAY!

  10. God Speed and please include the SAP!
